Have you ever wished you could get a clear stamp set customized with just what YOU WANTED on it?
Perhaps you have a set of sentiments, quotes, single words, addresses or even simple shapes that you would like made into clear stamps; well now we can create a personalized set of clear photopolymer stamps to fit your needs.
Also you can add to your custom stamp set ANY of the images from our
Cutting Cafe Online printable - digital store
We offer a HUGE SELECTION of Printable Images. You might want to spend some time checking out all of the images at this site. You can start by
clicking here for a few different sentiments - images you might like.
You can order from 3 different size sheets. Everything you can place within each square size will be included in your stamp set. Each size is inches.
3 by 4: $9.99
4 by 5: $14.99
6 by 7.75 $25.99
Plus Shipping & Handling
California Residences will also be charged taxes.
YOU ALSO GET FOR FREE IMAGE OUTLINES - CUTTING FILES to go along with your images. For example the Party Hat below would come with a image outline - cutting file. Read more about IMAGE OUTLINES AND CUTTING FILES HERE.
Here's how to order:
Option 1
If you have a graphics program or something like Word you can draw a box the size of the set you want and then place the items inside of the square (be sure to leave some room around each item) Then save as a PDF or JPEG and email me your request to
Here is a sample of how option 1 would look sent to me through email
3 by 4 square
this set also includes two images from our Cutting Cafe Store -
Option 2
This option is best if your not familiar with adding your items to graphic programs and such.
Email me your idea of what you would like on your set and I can help you with determining the best size for what your wanting.
Using the same sentiments and image above you could email me stating:
I would like to create a set in the size of 3 by 4 with the following:
Merry Christmas (I want around 1.5 inches)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (I want around 2.5 inches)
Regina Easter
1212 Smart Lane
Love, Ohio 999999
I would also like 2 hearts - one solid and one not
PARTY HAT with black and white dots and present
I would then work up a sample for you BEFORE the stamp set is created.
If your wanting to use an image from The Cutting Cafe, please let me know which image(s) from which set(s) and I will create the whole set up for you.
These images and sentiments can also be sized to your needs.
Since this is a new service here at The Cutting Cafe Shop, I will be fine tuning this service as time goes on.
If your not going to use an image from The Cutting Cafe site PLEASE MAKE SURE it is NOT A COPYRIGHTED IMAGE and that you have permission to use that image.
Please be prepared to allow at least 7 working days for your stamp set to be mailed to you.
Here are a few sample sets that have been made for customers:
Please don't hesitate to EMAIL me with ANY QUESTIONS you may have
thank you
Regina E.